2nd Alnwick (St James’s)
“I didn’t think we would do so many exciting things!”
“I like having fun with my friends.”
Both are very active units reflecting the enthusiasm and energy of these age groups. The Brownies (7 – 10 years) and the Guides (10 – 14 years) attend local schools in and around Alnwick. Annual activities usually include a residential weekend as well as a wide variety of other activities based on the Girlguiding UK programme.
Cooking and exploring our local areas, lighting fires, and toasting marshmallows in the dark, and environmental activities are some of the things we have done in the past year.
Meeting outside (as and when Covid-19 permits us) has not hindered our activities at all, and has been especially appreciated by the young people and their parents.
Parents interested in their children joining either unit should contact Girlguiding UK to register their details.